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Why Choose a Live-in Companion?

One of the wonderful benefits of 22nd century advances in medical science is longevity. With new and better treatments for ailments such as cardiac disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia, just to name a few, our senior loved ones are living longer than ever. Unfortunately, although medicine can extend lives, it cannot restore perfect health in the case of these diseases, and although elderly family members live longer, they often require assistance on a constant basis. As most families now consist of two working adults, often there is no one in the family who is available to fulfill the role of constant caregiver. In fact, many elderly people live in isolation, even while suffering from disorders that cause mobility disorders and loss of memory. Without someone to assist with activities of daily living, seniors are at risk for falls, accidents in and out of the home, and in cases of lost memory, wandering. 

Families who are faced with the dilemma of how to arrange for adequate care for their seniors may consider nursing homes as a solution, but with the onset of Covid 19, the convalescent home environment poses increased risk for exposure, and many seniors communities are unable to guarantee safety for a family’s senior loved one. 

One alternative is a live-in companion from an agency such as Magnolia Grace Senior Care, which is probably the better choice. A Magnolia Grace Senior Care live-in companion provides around-the-clock care while allowing their senior charge to remain in the home. They provide physical care to help lift the burdens that come with getting older, such as loss of mobility and mental decline. Services that personal caregivers perform may include assisting with bathing, dressing and skin, mouth, and hair care, prepare meals, performing light housecleaning, giving medication reminders, doing the shopping, and providing transportation assistance for recreational activities and/or medical appointments. 

Another role of a Magnolia Grace Senior Care live-in companion is to help maintain the link between their charge and family, friends, and society as a whole by encouraging them to stay in contact with others and get outside the home whenever possible. This is especially valuable for seniors who suffer from Alzheimer’s or other conditions that cause memory loss.

A Magnolia Grace Senior caregiver provides more one-on-one, personalized care as opposed to that provided in assisted living or nursing homes, and their services are generally covered by Medicare and/or private insurance. Additionally, Magnolia Grace Senior Care caregivers are fully vetted and undergo extensive background checks prior to placement, ensuring peace of mind for both the family and the senior charge. 

If you have questions or would like to know more about how Magnolia Grace Senior Care’s live-in assistant program works, just contact us and a member of our management staff will be happy to speak with you. A live-in caregiver just might be the exact right solution for providing the best care for your precious senior loved one.

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